Share What You Have and Experience the Joy Of Giving

Life is a struggle for everyone. It may be possible that your colleague is giving you a tough time and your well-paid job too seems like a nightmare. But, while you can come home to the comfort of a warm bed and food on the table there are some people don’t even have enough food on the plate to feed themselves or their families. Many Israeli families will relate to this. If you are reading this here, you are probably not one of them and you have enough resources for comfortable survival. And when God has been considerate with you, it is time you share what you have and experience the joy of giving. While we don’t expect you to help all the families at once, you can at least contribute a little something to Jewish charity organizations . Your small acts of kindness, if routed through the right channels can help someone have a full meal, or winter clothes and blankets. If you are someone who believes in the power of human bonds, you would know how important it is to have a family ...