Your Small Act of Kindness Can Change Someone’s Life
There are so many unfortunate people in the world who are not able to live decent enough lives because of adverse circumstances. On one hand there people who aspire to pursue higher education, but due to the lack of funds, they have to let go of their dreams and start working to make ends meet. On the other hand, there are several children out there who don’t even have enough food on their plates and hunger and malnutrition has become their way of life. Indeed, every other person is fighting his/her own battles but, if you have got shelter over your head, food on your plate and clothes to wear, you should feel fortunate. When you have basic amenities and fair opportunities, it’s time to take a step forward and become the ray of hope in someone else’s life. There are several Jewish charity organizations that help you donate money and resources to the deprived and helpless individuals and families.

Someone has rightly said, “Do good to others and it will come back to you in unexpected ways”. When you help others, you eventually start to feel the light and positivity around you. That’s the power of humanity! Your contribution, no matter how small, can help people get food and blankets, allow families to host weddings for their children, and most importantly, help widows overcome the financial challenges after they lose their partners. Your contributions can also help individuals who are struggling to get a job due to the lack of education. The ways in which your donations can help people are many and you just have to choose the right path through which you can ensure that your contributions reach the right hands. Yad Eliezer is among the renowned Jewish charities that have been making a difference in the lives of people through remarkable charitable programs.

Established in the year 1980, the organization today is helping more than 20,000 families and 10,000 people in Israel. Being the largest poverty relief organization in Israel, Yad Eliezer has a wide range of charitable programs ranging from ‘Feed a Baby’ to ‘Job Training Fund’, ‘Winter Warmth Campaign’ and ‘Widows and Orphan Fund’. They also have the ‘Adopt a Wedding Fund’ with which you can bear the expenses of the wedding of a couple whose families cannot afford to host the auspicious occasion.

About Yad Eliezer:

Yad Eliezer is a well-known organization that does charity for Israel.

For more details, visit


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