Yad Eliezer: Jewish Fund Raising Charity Organization

Life isn’t as simple and easy for everyone. There are different challenges in every person’s life. But at least when you have financial stability, you can manage to fight challenges and come out of them. Not everyone is blessed with financial stability. If you see a child who is talented but is poor, think about what a huge difference he/she can make in the future if someone could help him/her out by sponsoring their education. There are many children out there on the streets that you cross paths with every single day. Just like your children, they have dreams and aspirations, but no funding to give wings to those. So, if you wish to make a difference to the world, take a step forward and make a difference in a child’s life by sponsoring their education. 

Yad Eliezer is a Jewish fund raising charity organization where you can find many such programs such as child education sponsorship, adopting a wedding, sponsoring a vacation, helping for employment training programs, feeding a house, giving health care facilities, and much more to the people who are in need. There are various videos and blogs published on the Yad Eliezer website which you can refer to for seeing what the organization has done for people in collaboration with prestigious funding institutes and F&B companies. There is a map on the website which you can refer to and see where the Yad Eliezer moves around in the country to help the people in need in the Jewish community and otherwise.

If you wish to donate to Israel in cash or kind, you can do it safely with Yad Eliezer. 95% of your total contribution reaches the families you are trying to support and the rest 5 % is used by the organization to conduct the basic operations of the organization. The statistics of Yad Eliezer are brilliant and you can see how many people have been helped and are living happily with the help of donations received from people like you.

There isn’t just one best way to donate money to Israel. With Yad Eliezer, you can use multiple payment options, adopt a child/wedding, or help them by donating your time and efforts in volunteering work.

With love, care, and support, let’s break the chain of poverty and spread smiles by fulfilling the dreams of the less privileged members of the society.

For more information, visit https://www.yadeliezer.org/


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