Problems Faced By The Less Fortunate

Sometimes we get so busy in life that we forget how important it is to slow down and be thankful for what we have. We are reminded about how much we have got when we see the poor suffering in pain. They do not even have access to the basic necessities of life. This seems extremely heart-breaking and disturbing to us. But we just think about them for some time and then move on in life. This is what we are doing wrong. There is a need for us to help these people by donating to Jewish charity organizations.

If you are unsure about donating for the less fortunate then we can help you make your mind. We have listed down a few problems that are faced by the less fortunate.

• Do you know that more than 800 million people go to bed with an empty stomach every night? This is because even after having enough resources, most people refrain from donating to charities that are helping them. One should donate to them so that more people can get access to food.

• Not only children and adults, but even little babies also have to stay hungry since their parents do not have any food to feed them. These babies may not survive for long if they are not given food in regular intervals.

• We celebrate various occasions like birthdays, weddings, etc. However, the less fortunate people never get a chance to celebrate these occasions. Various charities are helping them experience the joy of celebration during weddings etc.

• Sometimes, poor children get the opportunity to go to school. But, they still do not have money to buy supplies before going to school. Because of this, they feel ashamed in school. Many times, they are unable to continue their studies as they lack resources.

If you wish to help such less fortunate children buy school supplies then you should donate to the programs created by Yad Eliezer. It has been known as one of the most reliable poverty relief agencies in the entire Israel. The volunteers at Yad Eliezer have been constantly working towards helping people who are suffering from financial problems and do not get enough food or water. It is an Israeli charity working day and night for providing people what they truly deserve. They believe that every human has a right to have food every day.

About Yad Eliezer:

Yad Eliezer is one of the best Israeli charities that have been working for improving people’s lives.

For more information, visit


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